French and European employment law is constantly changing and has never been so difficult to understand and to apply. We offer a full range of employment law services for companies and their senior management:

  • services ranging from practical legal advice to full delegation of service, depending on your needs and available resources;
  • for all types of company: start-ups, VSEs, SMEs, ETIs, French and international groups;
  • throughout France (mainland France and French overseas departments and territories) and internationally, either face-to-face or online;
  • in French and English to meet the needs of our multinational customers;

HR Management

On a day-to-day basis, we can help you manage your human resources and make the right operational decisions.

Legal support for human resources management :

  • Analysis and drafting of employment contracts

  • Assistance and security in disciplinary procedures and termination of employment contracts

  • Assessing and managing situations of inappropriate gender-based behaviour, harassment (moral and sexual) and discrimination

  • Expertise and deployment of mobility policies (expatriation, internal and external mobility, etc.)

  • Expertise and deployment of data protection policies (GDPR) with analysis of your internal practices

Assistance in managing collective labour relations

  • Setting up and deploying staff representative bodies (Works council, trade union delegates, staff representatives…)

  • Drafting, negotiating and implementing charters, regulations and collective agreements

  • Management of dialogue and relations with staff representatives and trade union delegates

  • Assistance with annual information, consultation and negotiation obligations

Corporate policy expertise

As experts, we can give you a bird’s-eye view of your strategic direction, so that you retain control

Expertise and support for the deployment of your corporate policies:

  • Evaluating and proposing attractive employment and remuneration policies: mobility, teleworking, employee savings schemes, employee share ownership, Job and Career Path Management (French « GEPPMM »), etc.

  • Evaluating and adapting working hours: calculating working hours, reorganising working hours, securing fixed annual working days, managing holidays and rest periods, etc.

Securing the working environment :

  • Protecting the health and safety of employees: accidents at work and occupational illnesses, the right to disconnect, preventing psychosocial risks, etc.

  • Securing professional equality: auditing pay systems, conducting collective bargaining, defining and updating the equality index, action plan, etc.


We are your trusted partners, ready to support you at the most critical and challenging times in your company’s life

Support for business restructuring

  • Conducting redundancy procedures for economic reasons

  • Defining and supporting the roll-out of job protection plans in conjunction with your works council (Book 1 and Book 2)

  • Proposal of alternative restructuring arrangements: collective severance agreement, collective performance agreement, mobility leave, etc.

  • Staff transfers: implementation of Article L. 1224-1 of the French Labour Code and voluntary staff transfers

Defending your interests in individual and collective disputes

  • Support and defence in various types of litigation: individual (industrial tribunal) and collective, social security, industrial accidents and occupational diseases, etc.


As lawyers, we defend your interests in individual and collective labour and social security disputes before all French courts.

Support and defence in individual or collective pre-litigation cases   

  • Management and finalisation of your individual or collective negotiations   

  • Assisting and defending you during labour law inspections/statements or pre-litigation (labour inspectorate, URSSAF inspector, Ministry of Labour, URSSAF and CPAM amicable appeals commission, occupational medicine, CNIL).   

  • Support and defence in criminal or administrative investigations

Defending your interests in individual and collective disputes  

  • Assisting and defending our clients in various types of individual and collective litigation (individual and collective industrial tribunal litigation, social security/employment division of the judicial court, IPP rates, electoral litigation).